
We’ve tried to make the website as simple to use as possible but if you are having difficulties try the following.

1. Return to the home Page
2. Click on the manufacturer icon that you want to order your brochure from
3. Select the model/s you are interested in by clicking on the Select button
4. When you have finished choosing the brochure/s you want then click on Checkout button. You will now be taken to the Checkout page where you can check that your order is correct
5. If you are happy then click on Checkout
6. You will now be taken to the Checkout page where you will be asked to enter your details
7. Simply fill out the form, adding any additional comments you feel would be useful to us

8. By clicking the ‘Remember Me’ box your details will be stored in a cookie which means that if you re-visit the site it will be even easier to order more brochures!
9. Finally click on the Checkout one last time and your order is completed!
10. You will receive and email confirming your order

If still have problems using the site then drop us an email at describing any problems you are having and the team will get back to you.

The support team

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